Supreme Witch, Calamitas (2024)

Upon using said items at the Altar, the screen will darken and shake before Supreme Witch, Calamitas herself appears above it.

SepulcherPhase One


Life331,550 / 331,550 (total)
KB resist100%

Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a series of Brimstone Hearts which fire beams into the sky, resurrecting the Sepulcher. The Sepulcher cycles through the following attacks:

Erratic Charges

  • 4 Fireblast Bombs comes out from one side of the arena which will explode into 6 Brimstone Darts, while Sepulcher charges at the player in intervals.
    • The waves of Fireblast Bombs are fired in a counter-clockwise direction, starting from the ceiling of the arena.
    • The attack ends after the Sepulcher has charged 4 times at the player.

Bone Eruption

  • Sepulcher adjusts its position to player's upper left or right, then dashes towards them, firing bones perpendicularly outwards from both sides of its segments
    • The attack ends after the Sepulcher has dashed 3 times.

Soul Bomb

  • The Sepulcher shoots a Soul Bomb towards the player, which explodes into 3 rows of Brimstone Darts.
    • This attack will be performed 3 times before moving on to the next one.

Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase One


Life3,141,592 / 3,141,592 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

After the Sepulcher has been defeated, Supreme Witch, Calamitas directly attacks the player. She cycles through the following attacks:

Horizontal Soul Fire

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers to the side of the player inside the arena, and fires out a spew of souls towards them.
  • Each barrage of souls lasts 3 seconds.
  • After 2 barrages are fired, the boss moves on to the next attack.


  • Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
  • Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

Bombing Charge

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them with it.
  • The boss charges at the player 6 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    • A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

Persecuted Demons

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons 6 Persecuted Demons which chase the player for 7 seconds and will explode on contact, dealing damage.
  • After summoning the demons, Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers above the player, to the side, and fires arcs of 5 Brimstone Darts at them.
    • After firing 5 arcs from one direction, she teleports to the alternate side in a clap of thunder and continues attacking the player from that direction.
  • This attack ends after 11.25 seconds.

Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase Two


Life2,356,194 / 3,141,592 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

Upon reaching 75% (2,356,194) health, Supreme Witch, Calamitas transitions into the second phase. The screen briefly goes dark as she laughs and summons a Shadow Hydra. Supreme Witch, Calamitas gains new abilities in this phase, as well as buffs to her current set of attacks.

She perform attacks from the following pool:

Explosive Shadow Hydra Blasts

  • An invincible three-headed Shadow Hydra attacks the player, with each of its heads spitting 3 Shadow Blasts in the direction of the player.
    • Each Shadow Blast explodes into 6 Shadow Sparks.
  • After spitting out the Shadow Blasts, the Shadow Hydra moves towards the player, dealing contact damage.
  • The Shadow Hydra performs this attack 4 times before diminishing into a small and harmless blob which follows the player around till it attacks again.

Hellblast Barrage

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers to the side of the player, bobbing up and down, firing Brimstone Hellblasts. She also fires a spread of 7 Brimstone Darts at the player every few moments.
  • This attack ends after 9.25 seconds.

Brimstone Jewel Beam

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas holds out a Brimstone Jewel and channels a beam through it, telegraphed by a red line which tracks the player moments before it fires.
  • The beam leaves a fiery and damaging trail on any blocks it touches, including the arena walls, similar to the Rancor.
  • While firing the beam, Supreme Witch, Calamitas also releases a barrage of darts one after the other.
  • She also fires out large Demonic Bombs every few moments.
  • Every 1.4 seconds, a Persecuted Demon is summoned which chases the player.

Horizontal Soul Fire

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers to the side of the player inside the arena, and fires out a spew of souls towards them.
  • Each barrage of souls lasts 3 seconds.
  • After 2 barrages are fired, the boss moves on to the next attack.


  • Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
    • Right before the bolts are fired, 6 Brimstone Darts aimed at the player will be telegraphed by a group of red lines before they are fired.
      • Both the inward and the outward path of each Brimstone Dart will be telegraphed by a red line.
  • Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

Bombing Charge

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them with it.
  • The boss charges at the player 6 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    • A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

Persecuted Demons

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons 6 Persecuted Demons which chase the player for 7 seconds and will explode on contact, dealing damage.
  • After summoning the demons, Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers above the player, to the side, and fires arcs of 5 Brimstone Darts at them.
    • After firing 5 arcs from one direction, she teleports to the alternate side in a clap of thunder and continues attacking the player from that direction.
  • This attack ends after 11.25 seconds.

The second phase cycles through the following attack pattern:

  • Explosive Shadow Hydra Blasts
  • Hellblast Barrage
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • Condemnation
  • Bombing Charge
  • Explosive Shadow Hydra Blasts
  • Horizontal Soul Fire
  • Hellblast Barrage
  • Persecuted Demons
  • Explosive Shadow Hydra Blasts
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • Bombing Charge
  • Hellblast Barrage
  • Condemnation
  • Explosive Shadow Hydra Blasts
  • Horizontal Soul Fire
  • Hellblast Barrage
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • Persecuted Demons
  • Condemnation

Calamitas' BrothersPhase Three


Life537,200 / 537,200 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

Upon reaching 45% (1,413,716) health, Supreme Witch, Calamitas will pause briefly and then summon her brothers, Supreme Cataclysm and Supreme Catastrophe, through portals, to assist her. Supreme Witch, Calamitas will be invincible and immobile while they are alive. The brothers share a single health bar.

They cycle through the attack pattern below:


  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas' brothers, teleport to the sides of the player; Supreme Cataclysm on the right, and Supreme Catastrophe on the left.
  • After a brief moment, they charge at the player, each brother releasing a radial burst of 11 Lost Souls outwards.
  • They repeat this attack 3 times before moving on to the next one.

Sword and Heresy

  • Supreme Cataclysm teleports to the top-right of the player, and fires Redirecting Hellfire upwards.
    • After a few moments, each Redirecting Hellfire projectile will accelerate downwards towards the player's position, before dissipating, similar to the souls from Heresy.
  • Meanwhile, Supreme Catastrophe hovers to the side of the player, firing slashes at them, and occasionally alternating directions.
  • Both brothers momentarily stop for an instant after 5 seconds, before resuming the attack.
  • After 10 seconds have passed from the moment the attack began, the boss moves on to the next attack.

Escalating Rage

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas' brothers hover to the sides of the player, bobbing up and down while they attack.
  • Supreme Cataclysm fires hovering fists while Supreme Catastrophe fires projectile slashes horizontally.
  • Approximately every 1 second, both bosses fire out a radial explosion of 9 Lost Souls, telegraphed by red lines.
  • After 7 seconds have passed, the boss moves on to the next attack.

Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase Three


Life1,413,716 / 3,141,592 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

After her brothers have been defeated, Supreme Witch, Calamitas transitions into the third phase, gaining new attacks and buffs to her current arsenal. She perform attacks from the following pool:

Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts

  • The Shadow Hydra reappears, and hovers for a few moments before aggressively charging at the player.
  • While charging, the Shadow Hydra releases Shadow Bolts outwards from its body.
  • It also fires out a Shadow Gigablast if it is either close to its destination point or approximately 1 second has passed since the charge began.
  • The Shadow Hydra performs this attack 5 times before diminishing into a small and harmless blob which follows the player around till it attacks again.

True Fire Orb

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a gigantic Brimstone Flame Orb which erupts into 3 rotating beams after a few moments.
  • Every 1.25 seconds, Supreme Witch, Calamitas fires a Brimstone Gigablast at the player which explodes into a radial burst of Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • After 13.33 seconds, the orb diminishes and Supreme Witch, Calamitas moves on to the next attack.

Dark Magic Bomb Walls

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas holds out Heresy and fires 13 waves of 5 Cinders inwards at the player's position.
  • After 1 second of firing the Cinders, she fires an angular wall of bombs which move inside the arena and explode after a few moments.
  • This attack is continuously repeated until it ends after 9.25 seconds.


  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas becomes temporarily berserk, gaining a glowing eye effect and causing the screen to shake for a few moments. She picks a buffed attack to perform at random during this state:

  Berserk Condemnation

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, the angular spread of darts is slightly larger, and the dart firing speed is increased.
  •   Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
    •   Right before the bolts are fired, 6 Brimstone Darts aimed at the player will be telegraphed by a group of red lines before they are fired.
      •   Both the inward and the outward path of each Brimstone Dart will be telegraphed by a red line.
  •   Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

  Berserk Hellblast Barrage

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers more erratically and fires projectiles faster.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers to the side of the player, bobbing up and down, firing Brimstone Hellblasts. She also fires a spread of 7 Brimstone Darts at the player every few moments.
  •   This attack ends after 9.25 seconds.

  Berserk Bombing Charge

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, Supreme Witch, Calamitas performs less charges, but Fireblast Bombs explode 0.75 seconds earlier and charges are 20% faster.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them.
  •   The boss charges at the player 5 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    •   A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

Brimstone Jewel Beam

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas holds out a Brimstone Jewel and channels a beam through it, telegraphed by a red line which tracks the player moments before it fires.
  • The beam leaves a fiery and damaging trail on any blocks it touches, including the arena walls, similar to the Rancor.
  • While firing the beam, Supreme Witch, Calamitas also releases a barrage of darts one after the other.
  • She also fires out large Demonic Bombs every few moments.
  • Every 1.4 seconds, a Persecuted Demon is summoned which chases the player.


  • Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
    • Right before the bolts are fired, 6 Brimstone Darts aimed at the player will be telegraphed by a group of red lines before they are fired.
      • Both the inward and the outward path of each Brimstone Dart will be telegraphed by a red line.
  • Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

Bombing Charge

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them with it.
  • The boss charges at the player 6 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    • A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

The third phase cycles through the following attack pattern:

  • True Fire Orb
  • Dark Magic Bomb Walls
  • Condemnation
  • Berserk
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts
  • Dark Magic Bomb Walls
  • Bombing Charge
  • Berserk
  • Condemnation
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • True Fire Orb
  • Bombing Charge
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts

Supreme Soul SeekerPhase Four


Life336,000 / 336,000 (net total):
28,000 (per Supreme Soul Seeker) [x12]
KB resist100%

Upon reaching 25% (785,398) health, Supreme Witch, Calamitas will become invulnerable to damage and use the Vigilance to summon 12 Supreme Soul Seekers to attack the player.


  • Each Supreme Soul Seeker revolves in a circle around the center of the arena at a specific position.
  • Every 2.25 seconds, it fires a Demonic Bomb at the position of the player which explodes into a radial burst of 6 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.

Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase Four


Life785,398 / 3,141,592 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

After all Supreme Soul Seekers have been defeated, Supreme Witch, Calamitas transitions into the fourth phase, resuming to continue the attacks from the third phase with some minor buffs:

Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts

  • The Shadow Hydra reappears, and hovers for a few moments before aggressively charging at the player.
  • While charging, the Shadow Hydra releases Shadow Bolts outwards from its body.
  • It also fires out a Shadow Gigablast if it is either close to its destination point or approximately 1 second has passed since the charge began.

True Fire Orb

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a gigantic Brimstone Flame Orb which erupts into 5 rotating beams after a few moments.
  • Approximately every 1 second, Supreme Witch, Calamitas fires a Brimstone Gigablast at the player which explodes into a radial burst of Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • After 13.33 seconds, the orb diminishes and Supreme Witch, Calamitas moves on to the next attack.

Dark Magic Bomb Walls

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas holds out Heresy and fires 13 waves of 5 Cinders inwards at the player's position.
  • After 1 second of firing the Cinders, she fires an angular wall of bombs which move inside the arena and explode after a few moments.
  • This attack is continuously repeated until it ends after 9.25 seconds.


  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas becomes temporarily berserk, gaining a glowing eye effect and causing the screen to shake for a few moments. She picks a buffed attack to perform at random during this state:

  Berserk Condemnation

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, the angular spread of darts is slightly larger, and the dart firing speed is increased.
  •   Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
    •   Right before the bolts are fired, 6 Brimstone Darts aimed at the player will be telegraphed by a group of red lines before they are fired.
      •   Both the inward and the outward path of each Brimstone Dart will be telegraphed by a red line.
  •   Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

  Berserk Hellblast Barrage

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers more erratically and fires projectiles faster.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas hovers to the side of the player, bobbing up and down, firing Brimstone Hellblasts. She also fires a spread of 7 Brimstone Darts at the player every few moments.
  •   This attack ends after 9.25 seconds.

  Berserk Bombing Charge

  •   In the Berserk version of this attack, Supreme Witch, Calamitas performs less charges, but Fireblast Bombs explode 0.75 seconds earlier and charges are 20% faster.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them with it.
  •   The boss charges at the player 5 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    •   A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  •   Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

Brimstone Jewel Beam

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas holds out a Brimstone Jewel and channels a beam through it, telegraphed by a red line which tracks the player moments before it fires.
  • The beam leaves a fiery and damaging trail on any blocks it touches, including the arena walls, similar to the Rancor.
  • While firing the beam, Supreme Witch, Calamitas also releases a barrage of darts one after the other.
  • She also fires out large Demonic Bombs every few moments.
  • Every 1.4 seconds, a Persecuted Demon is summoned which chases the player.


  • Calamitas charges up the Condemnation for 2 seconds and fires it at the player, releasing an arc of bolts in their direction.
    • Right before the bolts are fired, 6 Brimstone Darts aimed at the player will be telegraphed by a group of red lines before they are fired.
      • Both the inward and the outward path of each Brimstone Dart will be telegraphed by a red line.
  • Two arcs of bolts are fired before the attack ends.

Bombing Charge

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons a giant skull shield which laughs at the player before she tries to ram them with it.
  • The boss charges at the player 6 times, releasing a Fireblast Bomb every charge, and a Brimstone Gigablast every third charge.
    • A Brimstone Gigablast explodes into a radial burst of 45 Brimstone Darts after a few moments.
  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas charges 6 times before moving on to the next attack.

The third phase cycles through the following attack pattern:

  • True Fire Orb
  • Dark Magic Bomb Walls
  • Condemnation
  • Berserk
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts
  • Dark Magic Bomb Walls
  • Bombing Charge
  • Berserk
  • Condemnation
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts
  • Brimstone Jewel Beam
  • True Fire Orb
  • Bombing Charge
  • Charging Shadow Hydra Gigablasts

Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase Five


Life1 / 3,141,592 (total)
KB resist100%

Map icon

Upon reaching 0% health, Supreme Witch, Calamitas will become invulnerable, and perform her 3 Final Attacks. All of these Final Attacks are parts of a singular attack under the Desperation Attack, and the fight will end after the final one:


  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons flame pillars from the ground up throughout the arena, with each barrage's positioning being placed in alternation to the previous ones'.
  • Simultaneously, she fires Redirecting Hellfire upwards which accelerates towards the player's position after a few moments, similar to Heresy.
  • This attack ends after 12 seconds and Supreme Witch, Calamitas moves on to the next one.

Radial Brimstone Bombs

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas teleports to the center of the arena and periodically releases Demonic Bombs outwards every 2 seconds.
  • The path of the Demonic Bombs released alternates between an 'x' and a '+'.
  • Additionally, linear spreads of Brimstone Darts will be released at alternating angles during this attack, in conjunction with the bombs.
  • This attack ends after approximately 10.5 seconds and Supreme Witch, Calamitas moves on to the next one.
  • The player will be granted infinite flight from this attack onwards until the fight ends.

Brimstone Rain

  • Supreme Witch, Calamitas summons down falling walls of Brimstone Darts while simultaneously firing Brimstone Gigablasts at the player.
    • She will initially fire the first Brimstone Gigablast after 1.25 seconds, but the interval between each Brimstone Gigablast will be reduced by approximately 0.05 seconds for each Brimstone Gigablast fired.
      • To prevent unfair firing rates, the minimum interval between successive Brimstone Gigablasts is capped at approximately 0.55 seconds.
  • This attack ends after 17.5 seconds, and Supreme Witch, Calamitas will begin her death animation.

The following occurs after the Brimstone Rain has ended:

Violence (Death Animation)

  • After the Brimstone Rain ends, Supreme Witch, Calamitas erratically and explosively teleports around the player.
    • She does not deal any damage during her death animation.
  • After a few moments, she goes inert and falls next to the player, saying "...Congratulations."
Supreme Witch, Calamitas (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.